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The Christian’s Ambition
March 31, 2019 / Duration: 57:57
Matthew 6:19-34 The Christian is careful to prioritize the pursuit of true riches over earthly (false) riches. Our value systems are to be shaped and influenced by what our Master has esteemed highly, not this world.

The Christian’s Prayer
March 24, 2019 / Duration: 50:27
Matthew 6:7-17 As Christians, our prayers require a posture of the heart towards God that loves Jesus as our ruler, our forgiver, and our deliverer, and a posture of the heart toward others that shows mercy.

The Christian’s Word
March 3, 2019 / Duration: 59:42
Matthew 5:31-37 Because God is the source of all truth and is perfectly faithful and trustworthy, Christians must seek to glorify God in all of their commitments, dealings, and relationships.

The Christian’s Heart
February 24, 2019 / Duration: 51:42
Matthew 5:21-30 Jesus’ teaching and exposition of the 6th and 7th commandments deepens the provincial territory of the demand of the law beyond mere action or inaction and drive is into the heart, affecting the whole person.

The Christian’s Righteousness
February 18, 2019 / Duration: 57:10
Matthew 5:17-20 How is the Christian to read, understand, and apply the Old Testament? Is it still relevant today? Is the Old Testament replaced by the New? Jesus addresses the Christian’s righteousness and the role of the Old Testament in the life of the disciples.