Featured image for “Gentle and Lowly”

Gentle and Lowly

September 11, 2020 / Duration: 38:10

What is Jesus like? What is most natural to him? What does he love and desire? In Christ’s own words, he is “gentle and lowly.” Discover what this means for us sinners and sufferers. This new series on the heart of Christ was inspired by Dane C. Ortlund’s phenomenal new book, Gentle and Lowly. Though not explicitly mentioned in the
Featured image for “Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest”

Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest

October 14, 2019 / Duration: 35:51

Matthew 11:25-30
Featured image for “Who Is Jesus:  The Son of God”

Who Is Jesus: The Son of God

October 11, 2019 / Duration: 47:44

Matthew 11:20-30
Featured image for “The Sabbath Rest: Now and Forever”

The Sabbath Rest: Now and Forever

October 25, 2017 / Duration: 30:29

Hebrews 4:1-13 Let us not be like the Israelites who failed to enter God’s rest because of their disobedience. We must not take for granted God’s promises. While the promise of rest stands, we are encouraged to fear the result of failure. This is not to drive us toward attempting to merit rest on our own, but rather to reveal
Featured image for “Christ, Our Good Shepherd – Psalm 23”

Christ, Our Good Shepherd – Psalm 23

July 18, 2016 / Duration: 46:16

Psalm 23 Three promises are true for those of whom the Lord is their shepherd: God’s peace, God’s presence, and God’s protection. Each of these promises are given to us in Christ. Psalm 23 paints a picture of the character of Christ as our good shepherd.