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May 4, 2021 / Duration: 52:57
Beginning the our Passion Prayers series, we’ll study prayer’s framework, prayer’s petitions, prayer’s goal, and prayer’s ground.

God’s Covenant With Abraham
June 25, 2017 / Duration: 52:57
Genesis 12, 15, 17 God establishes a relationship with a named Abram, and everything changes. The covenant promises made and established by God constitute the narrative backbone of the rest of the Bible’s storyline as it ascends to the advent of Christ, who both fulfills, and is the fulfillment of, God’s covenant.

The Place of Prayer in the Proclamation of the Gospel
January 22, 2017 / Duration: 57:22
1 Timothy 2:1-7 Paul knew that the most significant thing Timothy could address in Ephesus was prayer. Paul connects the prayer of the church to the scope of salvation offered freely in the gospel. It is in our prayers for the salvation of all people where we most tangibly express the gospel to the world.