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April 28, 2016 / Duration:
In a story that echoes of Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus, this notable exchange with the Samaritan woman at the well teaches us many things about the nature of truth, how we can arrive there, and the fruit of accepting it.

Born Again By God – John 2:23-3:21
April 5, 2016 / Duration:
The new birth produces faith in the heart of the believer. It is this saving faith, not intellectual ascension, that allows us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Inaccessibility of God – John 2:12-22
March 15, 2016 / Duration:
Jesus’ indignation at the impure worship taking place in the Temple caused him to preform a sign that anticipates the coming sign of his death and resurrection. It is he, through the taking on of man’s reproach, who becomes a better temple where man can meet God.

The Manifestation of Jesus’ Glory – John 2:1-11
March 9, 2016 / Duration:
Jesus’ signs communicate many things to his disciples and to the world. The first sign recorded in John’s Gospel displays Jesus’ authority over creation and man, and alludes to the purifying and cleansing power of his blood.

Behold the Wondrous Mystery – John 1:35-51
February 29, 2016 / Duration:
The joy and wonder of Jesus is that he invites us to come to him even when he has already come to us. What ultimately fuels our witness of Christ is Christ’s witness about himself. We call others to “come and see” this man who knows so much about our lives and promises to show us great things.

Behold The Lamb of God – John 1:19-34
February 22, 2016 / Duration:
John the Baptist wanted to make two things very clear: his significance is tied to his role as the voice which prepares the way for the Messiah, and that Jesus is that Messiah. In the beginning of the narrative of Jesus’ ministry, we explore the short-lived focus on John the Baptist as he casts aside his growing popularity to make

Word of the Father, Now in Flesh Appearing – John 1:1-18
February 15, 2016 / Duration:
The prologue to John’s Gospel functions like an overture for the rest of the Gospel, setting the stage for the identity of Jesus as the Son of God, second person of the Godhead, and the complete and final expression and revelation of God himself to his people.

The Word of God and the Delight of His People
January 11, 2016 / Duration:
Part 2 of a 5 part series entitled Resolved, which explores the worthy purposes of the Christian life and foster a commitment and faithfulness to the pursuit of the Glory of God.