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May 28, 2017 / Duration: 46:34
John 3:16 John 3:16 is arguably the most familiar passage of the entire Bible. But what is quoted by many is often understood by few. The true depth and wonder of this verse is too often overlooked or too lightly esteemed by our modern culture, but a closer examination reveals an intimate glimpse of the sheer magnitude of God’s love.

Christ, Our Treasure
November 21, 2016 / Duration: 45:52
John 12:1-8 The contrast of Mary’s devotion and Judas’ rejection sharply demonstrates what lies at the heart of a true disciple – a sincere affection and supreme love of Jesus. A Christian must prize Christ above all earthly things.

It Is Better For You That One Man Die
November 13, 2016 / Duration: 45:45
John 11:45-57 (Guest Preacher Paul Abdallah) After Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, the response schismatic — belief, or unbelief. Yet deeply imbedded in this entire narrative is the sovereign hand of God working to bring about a real and permanent substitution for the sin of his people. The context of the Passover and the prophesy of the religious leaders

God’s Ultimate Glory
November 7, 2016 / Duration: 57:26
John 11:1-44 Jesus’ miracles are meant to reveal to us the glory of God and the glory of Christ. The raising of Lazarus reveals God’s glory in three ways: in the delayed relief of human suffering, in the promise of new life, and in the ultimate revelation of Christ in the gospel.

The Divine Purposes of Human Lowliness; How the Clarity of Christ Exalts the Humble
October 16, 2016 / Duration: 54:32
John 9 In his dramatic healing of a man blind from birth, Jesus reveals to us the normative pattern of God’s interaction and self disclosure to the world — namely, using the despised, rejected, and lowly to humble the proud and exalt the humble, for the glory of God. Do we see our lowliness as an advantage for the purposes of God,

The Genuine Faith of the Spiritual Descendants of Abraham
October 9, 2016 / Duration: 46:06
John 8:31-59 Jesus confronts the fickle faith of the Jews, and by exposing their insincere faith, paints a clear picture of what genuine faith really looks like.

The Light of Life and the Sight of Men
October 2, 2016 / Duration: 50:18
John 8:12-30 What does it mean that Jesus is the Light of the world? How does the revelation of the Father in the Son help us see our own lives more clearly? And how does the church reflect the Light of Christ to the world?

Rivers of Living Water
September 18, 2016 / Duration: 27:36
John 7:37-39 (Preacher Jonathan Honorio) At the end of the Great Feast, Jesus makes a bold claim – “come to me and drink.” The promise of God’s all-satisfying provision is fulfilled in his son, Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to be thirsty and to come to Christ to drink? What is the Living Water which flows from the

On Good Authority: Believing the True Testimony About Jesus – John 5:30-47
May 24, 2016 / Duration:
John 5:30-47 (guest preacher Nate Claggett) After making bold claims about his authority with God the Father, Jesus now defends his statements by pointing to credible testimony – The Father’s. God affirms the truth of Jesus’ claim through his works, his prophets, and his word. Believing that Jesus is God’s Son is evidence of a right belief in the testimony

Equality With God; Unity With Christ – John 5:16-29
May 18, 2016 / Duration:
Jesus’ claim to be equal with God his Father set the Jewish leaders on a war path. The progression of hatred will quickly lead to Jesus’ death. But what exactly did Jesus claim that was so dangerous, it changed his persecutors’ actions from hindrance to murder? More than you think.

Go And Sin No More – John 5:1-15
May 18, 2016 / Duration:
Jesus’ heals for the sake of holiness. His authority and power over creation testify to his Sonship.

Welcome Without Honor: How The Word of Christ Fuels Our Faith
May 5, 2016 / Duration:
Those whose faith Jesus confirms are they that welcome Jesus, not on basis of what he may do for them, but on the basis of who he is. We believe and follow Christ because of his word, not what we want him to provide for us.