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The Resolve And Joyful Endurance Of Our Faith
March 4, 2018 / Duration: 58:33
Hebrews 10:26-34

The Pattern Of The Gospel In The Life Of The Church
February 25, 2018 / Duration: 45:40
Hebrews 10:19-25

The Better Promises of the New Covenant
February 11, 2018 / Duration: 57:43
Hebrews 8 Since creation, God has graciously entered into relationship with mankind though covenant. The Letter to the Hebrews teaches that through Christ, God established a new covenant with man. But what exactly makes the New Covenant new? And why is it better than the old?

The Power of an Indestructible Life
February 4, 2018 / Duration: 48:28
Hebrews 7 Jesus is a better mediator of a better covenant because he lives forever and his ministry does not cease, by virtue of his resurrection and the power of his indestructible life.

Jesus Is The Better High Priest
November 3, 2017 / Duration: 51:19
Hebrews 5:1-10 Jesus is not only better than Moses, but also Aaron, who was a High Priest. Jesus set aside his Sonship so that he might suffer and demonstrate perfect obedience. It is through his excellent and perfect performance that supremely qualifies Him to be our High Priest and need no other.