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A Godly Commitment to the Gospel
March 26, 2017 / Duration: 48:49
1 Timothy 6:11-21 As the Apostle Paul concludes his first letter to Timothy, he reminds him of the major themes of the letter – godliness, gospel-clarity, concern for salvation – and how they must be carried out in endurance, perseverance, and commitment. From these verse, we discover four defining characteristics of a godly commitment to the gospel.

The Gospel Produces Faithful Endurance
January 15, 2017 / Duration: 42:33
1 Timothy 1:12-20 Strength to endure faithfully in the calling to model the perfect patience of God in our lives is anchored in the gospel of our salvation. We can not turn to the law or works, but only to the grace and mercy of Christ, who came into the world to save sinners.

Friends in the Fight of Faith
October 18, 2016 / Duration: 46:25
Hebrews 3:12-14 This message was preached at a men’s event in September 2016, and is by Pastor Naethan Hendrix of Stafford Baptist Church in Stafford, Virginia. Pastor Naethan powerfully admonishes us to take seriously the duty and calling of friendship for the steadfastness of the soul.

The Genuine Faith of the Spiritual Descendants of Abraham
October 9, 2016 / Duration: 46:06
John 8:31-59 Jesus confronts the fickle faith of the Jews, and by exposing their insincere faith, paints a clear picture of what genuine faith really looks like.