Featured image for “The Active Faith Of Confident Christians”

The Active Faith Of Confident Christians

April 29, 2018 / Duration: 50:30

Hebrews 11:17-22
Featured image for “Led by God on the Path of Joy”

Led by God on the Path of Joy

August 3, 2016 / Duration: 45:28

Psalm 32 Psalm 32 is a reminder of God’s gracious and free gift of forgiveness offered to those who turn to him in genuine confession and repentance. Our knowledge of the mercy of God moves us to pray, humbly submit, and gladly follow him on the path of joy.
Featured image for “Faith Commends Joy – James 1:5-11”

Faith Commends Joy – James 1:5-11

October 1, 2015 / Duration:

Part 2 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. When we face difficult circumstances, we may struggle with understanding God’s will or purpose behind them. Doubt begins to divide our allegiance to God for an allegiance to the world and earthly comfort. So how do we fight against doubt when we’re faced with trials? [Download]  
Featured image for “A Joyful Community – James 1:1-4”

A Joyful Community – James 1:1-4

September 22, 2015 / Duration:

Part 1 of a 13-week series on the letter of James. In this passage, James is urging his readers to be a community marked by constant joy, even in the face of trial and adversity. How does he help the church count everything as “all joy?” [Download]