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All Things Through Him
April 30, 2017 / Duration: 46:38
Philippians 4:13 | Guest Preacher: Benjamin Cartwright What did Paul really mean when he said “I can all things through him (Christ) who strengthens me”?
A Godly Commitment to the Gospel
March 26, 2017 / Duration: 48:49
1 Timothy 6:11-21 As the Apostle Paul concludes his first letter to Timothy, he reminds him of the major themes of the letter – godliness, gospel-clarity, concern for salvation – and how they must be carried out in endurance, perseverance, and commitment. From these verse, we discover four defining characteristics of a godly commitment to the gospel.
The Gospel Produces Faithful Endurance
January 15, 2017 / Duration: 42:33
1 Timothy 1:12-20 Strength to endure faithfully in the calling to model the perfect patience of God in our lives is anchored in the gospel of our salvation. We can not turn to the law or works, but only to the grace and mercy of Christ, who came into the world to save sinners.
Friends in the Fight of Faith
October 18, 2016 / Duration: 46:25
Hebrews 3:12-14 This message was preached at a men’s event in September 2016, and is by Pastor Naethan Hendrix of Stafford Baptist Church in Stafford, Virginia. Pastor Naethan powerfully admonishes us to take seriously the duty and calling of friendship for the steadfastness of the soul.
The Genuine Faith of the Spiritual Descendants of Abraham
October 9, 2016 / Duration: 46:06
John 8:31-59 Jesus confronts the fickle faith of the Jews, and by exposing their insincere faith, paints a clear picture of what genuine faith really looks like.
Welcome Without Honor: How The Word of Christ Fuels Our Faith
May 5, 2016 / Duration:
Those whose faith Jesus confirms are they that welcome Jesus, not on basis of what he may do for them, but on the basis of who he is. We believe and follow Christ because of his word, not what we want him to provide for us.
Born Again By God – John 2:23-3:21
April 5, 2016 / Duration:
The new birth produces faith in the heart of the believer. It is this saving faith, not intellectual ascension, that allows us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Glory of God and the Resolves of His People
January 11, 2016 / Duration:
Part 1 of a 5 part series entitled Resolved, which explores the worthy purposes of the Christian life and foster a commitment and faithfulness to the pursuit of the Glory of God.
Confidence, Compassion, and Community – James 5:13-20
December 15, 2015 / Duration:
Part 13 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. In this sermon, we conclude our study of the book of James, and explore the final marks of a Pure Church: a confident hope in the character of God, and a compassionate pursuit and defense of the truth.
Justified By Love – James 2:14-26
October 26, 2015 / Duration:
Part 6 in a 13 part series on the letter of James. At first glance, there seems to be a blatant contradiction between Paul and James regarding the issue of justification — how are we saved, by faith or by works? In this sermon, we explore the differences between the two Apostles’ teaching and discover how these two uphold the
Faith Commends Joy – James 1:5-11
October 1, 2015 / Duration:
Part 2 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. When we face difficult circumstances, we may struggle with understanding God’s will or purpose behind them. Doubt begins to divide our allegiance to God for an allegiance to the world and earthly comfort. So how do we fight against doubt when we’re faced with trials? [Download]