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October 24, 2021 / Duration:
1 Peter 4:7-11 – Peter gives Christians two parallel mindsets we must adopt if we desire to live faithfully in this world as we await our Lord’s return: To live in light of the end of all things and to live as stewards of God’s grace.
Righteous Sufferers
October 17, 2021 / Duration:
Christians both bestow blessing and receive blessing when they live out their faith before others. What does that look like when it costs a great deal? Peter encourages his readers to look to Christ.
What Does it Cost to be a Disciple
August 29, 2021 / Duration: 45:29
The path to following Jesus is at times difficult and arduous, but is also worth every trial. To give or learn more, go to foundationfxbg.com
Security – An Overview of Nehemiah – Aug 15, 2021
August 15, 2021 / Duration:
Under Nehemiah, Isreal is lead into renewal, revival, and reform. As God moves among his people, they dwell securely in his faithfulness!
A Practical Guide to Receiving Christ and Resisting Sin
November 17, 2019 / Duration: 43:21
Matthew 12:43-45
Unfailing Faith In Christ’s Unchanging Love
September 16, 2018 / Duration: 43:07
Hebrews 13:7-16
Three Qualities Of Commendable Faith
April 22, 2018 / Duration: 41:05
Guest Speaker: James Ramseyer Hebrews 11:8-16 DISCLAIMER: Due to some technical difficulties while recording the sermon, there is a good bit of background noise. Sorry!