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September 25, 2017 / Duration: 41:08
Hebrews 2:5-18 If we rely on our own human nature for purpose and fulfillment, we will fall short. Jesus has fulfilled mankind’s ultimate purpose, defeated our enemy, and secured our hope. There is nothing that we need that cannot be found at the cross where Christ died. His death was effective, sufficient, and profitable. Our hope is in Him!

Faith Fueled Endurance in the Fight Against Drifting
September 19, 2017 / Duration: 33:41
Hebrews 2:1-4 Jesus is more valuable than Angels. Therefore, we must pay closer attention to Him. We are warned, that if we do not do this, we will drift away. Our lives should be spent clinging to Jesus as our anchor so that we will not be in danger of falling by the way side.

The Superiority of the Son of God
September 10, 2017 / Duration: 43:43
Hebrews 1:5-14 By virtue of his Divine Sonship, Jesus is superior to all things, including angels. The Father’s unique love for the Son places him as the only worthy object of our devotion, and offers, by faith, to bring his people into the fellowship and community of the Godhead.