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September 14, 2020 / Duration: 40:12
This new series on the heart of Christ was inspired by Dane C. Ortlund’s phenomenal new book, Gentle and Lowly. Though not explicitly mentioned in the sermon, portions of this book are either adapted or quoted in various places. Those places can be seen in the provided .pdf of the sermon notes below. Sermon Notes: Matthew 9_35-36 Compassionate

Gentle and Lowly
September 11, 2020 / Duration: 38:10
What is Jesus like? What is most natural to him? What does he love and desire? In Christ’s own words, he is “gentle and lowly.” Discover what this means for us sinners and sufferers. This new series on the heart of Christ was inspired by Dane C. Ortlund’s phenomenal new book, Gentle and Lowly. Though not explicitly mentioned in the

God’s Faithfulness and Christian Thankfulness
March 8, 2020 / Duration: 42:39
1 Corinthians 1:4-9