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October 17, 2021 / Duration:
Christians both bestow blessing and receive blessing when they live out their faith before others. What does that look like when it costs a great deal? Peter encourages his readers to look to Christ.

Strangers & Aliens – 1 Peter 2:11-25
October 3, 2021 / Duration:
How should Christians seek to navigate culture as strangers to it? What does wise, godly engagement look like that will realistically transform our cities? Peter points his readers to humility, honor, and suffering. View this morning’s Worship Guide here: http://www.foundationfxbg.com/wp-cont… For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com.

Elect Exiles – Lord’s Day Gathering
September 5, 2021 / Duration:
We’ll begin a new study of 1 Peter, a letter written to encourage Christians to live boldly and faithfully as chosen exiles in an increasingly hostile world. In it we learn numerous principles of Christian living, and are helped to see more faithfully our true hope in Christ as aliens and exiles.

What Does it Cost to be a Disciple
August 29, 2021 / Duration: 45:29
The path to following Jesus is at times difficult and arduous, but is also worth every trial. To give or learn more, go to foundationfxbg.com

A Passion for God’s Glory
June 1, 2021 / Duration: 41:20
A realization and humble appreciation for God’s love in Christ will enflame our prayers with a passion for God’s glory.

A Passion for God’s Sovereignty
May 25, 2021 / Duration: 42:02
Ephesians 1:15-23 | Preacher: Jacob DeCourcey
As we pray with a passion for God’s sovereignty, God becomes the main character of our prayers.

A Passion For Gospel Grace
May 4, 2021 / Duration: 52:57
Beginning the our Passion Prayers series, we’ll study prayer’s framework, prayer’s petitions, prayer’s goal, and prayer’s ground.

The Power for Purity in the Purpose of Christ’s Death
October 20, 2020 / Duration: 52:48
1 Corinthians 5