- 1 Corinthians/
- 1 John/
- 1 Peter/
- 1 Samuel/
- 1 Thessalonians/
- 1 Timothy/
- 2 Thessalonians/
- 2 Timothy/
- Acts/
- Colossians/
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- Deuteronomy/
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- Ephesians/
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- Hebrews/
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- John/
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- Leviticus/
- Luke/
- Mark/
- Matthew/
- New Testament/
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- Old Testament/
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- Philippians/
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- Psalms/
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- Song of Solomon/
- Titus/

February 18, 2019 / Duration: 57:10
Matthew 5:17-20 How is the Christian to read, understand, and apply the Old Testament? Is it still relevant today? Is the Old Testament replaced by the New? Jesus addresses the Christian’s righteousness and the role of the Old Testament in the life of the disciples.

Entering The Kingdom Of Heaven Through Baptism And Repentance
January 7, 2019 / Duration: 58:25
Matthew 3:1-17

What Did the Church Do? Part 3 – Breaking Bread
October 28, 2018 / Duration: 55:02
Acts 2:42 – 5:42

What Did the Church Do? Part 2 – Fellowship
October 21, 2018 / Duration: 57:01
Acts 2:42 – 5:42

What Did the Church Do? Part 1 – Devoted to the Apostles’ Teaching
October 14, 2018 / Duration: 59:59
Acts 2:42 – 5:42