Featured image for “Broken Cisterns: God’s Covenant Faithfulness and our Covenant Forgetfulness”

Broken Cisterns: God’s Covenant Faithfulness and our Covenant Forgetfulness

January 29, 2023 / Duration: 46:04

Every Christian desires to “feel close to God” but what does this really mean? And it is possible to think we are close to God when we are, in fact, not? In Jeremiah 2, the Lord charges Israel with the failure to seek him and stay near to him through faith and devotion, though they still claim to know him
Featured image for “A Word of Warning — An Introduction to Jeremiah”

A Word of Warning — An Introduction to Jeremiah

January 22, 2023 / Duration: 58:00

Jeremiah offers a renewed hope in the truth that God is committed to his people, and faithfully works by his word to establish us in our salvation through pain and promise, judgement and salvation, discipline and direction. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.
Featured image for “The Exile’s Hope”

The Exile’s Hope

April 27, 2017 / Duration: 39:54

Jeremiah 29:11 A favorite verse to share, this promise is not a spiritual good luck charm or promise of prosperity. Rather, it is the weary exile’s hope for a future rooted in the faithful promises of God.
Featured image for “The Love of God and the Prayers of His People”

The Love of God and the Prayers of His People

January 23, 2016 / Duration:

Part 3 of a 5 part series entitled Resolved, which explores the worthy purposes of the Christian life and foster a commitment and faithfulness to the pursuit of the Glory of God.